November in North Norway - short days and special light conditions
The Angler - Gunter Storr from Angler fuer Angler in Germany - ready for action !
Together with my friend Gunter we had a wonderful trip to the heart of Halibut Kingdom now
in November 2017.
After a short phone call between Germany and Norway we decided to make a last halibut-trip this year together - it was good prospects - full moon and nice weather forecast.
The conditions turned out to be good - at this time of the year it is fast changing conditions between nice weather and bad weather - the polar low pressures coming in from the Barentz sea can turn the weather upside down in a few hours. But we were lucky and had a great halibut trip.
The last day of 3 days with hot fishing we had 9 halis and a lot of action in addition- very good days of fishing.